Music Video

Music Video
Chloe Barnham- Candidate number: 5021

Sunday 7 November 2010

Album Cover- Little Boots (Hands)

This is the album cover to Little Boots debut album ‘Hands’. Although Little Boots is more of an dance act, her album cover has still used many of the same conventions that a pop album cover uses. There is a mid/ close up shot of the artist herself, with her name in large letters at the bottom of the album, with the name of the album written smaller underneath her name.

The artist is dressed in a quirky dress, differentiating her from a pop star. The album cover is constructing her star image as being different to that of a pop star and a more credible and unique artist, highlighted through her clothes.

With the writing in white it helps it stick out from the background, but it is still fitting with the colour scheme used in the rest of the cover, as white is also used to draw the circle and triangle, behind Little Boots. The other colours used in this album cover are dark, which are used to make up the stormy background, which shows dark clouds and thunder bolts. This is also something that sets her apart from other pop stars as is if this was a pop star the background is likely to be brighter, especially for a debut album. This is possibly highlighting how whilst her music still has elements of pop music she is a much more serious artist.

From this album cover we have learnt how not all pop album covers have to use bright ‘poppy’ colours but they do really have to have a picture of the artist on.

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